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15 Desember 2012

ebook - Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Simplified

Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Simplified - Simply the Easiest Way to Learn | Paul McFedries | Wiley Publishing, Inc. | 2010 | English | 258 p | pdf | 19.41 MB | ISBN : 978-0-470-57763-9 | Are you new to computers ? Does new technology make you nervous ? Relax ! You’re holding in your hands the easiest guide ever to Excel 2010 — a book that skips the long-winded explanations and shows you how things work. All you have to do is open the book and discover just how easy it is to get up to speed.; “Simplify It” sidebars offer real-world advice; Succinct explanations walk you through step by step; Full-color screen shots demonstrate each task; Self-contained, two-page lessons make learning a snap; Work with the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar; Enter text, numbers, and other data into cells; Build formulas and functions; Navigate, rename, move, and copy worksheets; Create tables and perform data analysis; Display data in different types of charts
ebook - Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Simplified
Book Title
Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Simplified
Simply the Easiest Way to Learn
Paul McFedries
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
258 p
File Format
File Size
19.41 MB
Are you new to computers ? Does new technology make you nervous ? Relax ! You’re holding in your hands the easiest guide ever to Excel 2010 — a book that skips the long-winded explanations and shows you how things work. All you have to do is open the book and discover just how easy it is to get up to speed.
  • “Simplify It” sidebars offer real-world advice
  • Succinct explanations walk you through step by step
  • Full-color screen shots demonstrate each task
  • Self-contained, two-page lessons make learning a snap
  • Work with the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar
  • Enter text, numbers, and other data into cells
  • Build formulas and functions
  • Navigate, rename, move, and copy worksheets
  • Create tables and perform data analysis
  • Display data in different types of charts
Contents at a Glance
Table of Contents
How to Use This Book
Working with Excel
Getting to Know Excel
Start Excel
Tour the Excel Window
Work with Excel’s Ribbon
Work with Excel’s Galleries
Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
Customize the Ribbon
Work with Smart Tags
Change the View
Configure Excel Options
Entering and Editing Excel Data
Learning the Layout of a Worksheet
Understanding the Types of Data You Can Use
Enter Text into a Cell
Enter a Number into a Cell
Enter a Date or Time into a Cell
Insert a Symbol
Edit Cell Data
Delete Data from a Cell
Working with Excel Ranges
Select a Range
Fill a Range with the Same Data
Fill a Range with a Series of Values
Move or Copy a Range
Insert a Row or Column
Insert a Cell or Range
Delete Data from a Range
Delete a Range
Hide a Row or Column
Freeze Rows or Columns
Merge Two or More Cells
Transpose Rows and Columns
Working with Range Names
Define a Range Name
Use Worksheet Text to Define a Range Name
Navigate a Workbook Using Range Names
Change a Range Name
Delete a Range Name
Formatting Excel Ranges
Change the Font and Font Size
Apply Font Effects
Change the Font Color
Align Text Within a Cell
Center Text Across Multiple Columns
Rotate Text Within a Cell
Add a Background Color to a Range
Apply a Number Format
Change the Number of Decimal Places Displayed
Apply an AutoFormat to a Range
Apply a Conditional Format to a Range
Apply a Style to a Range
Change the Column Width
Change the Row Height
Wrap Text Within a Cell
Add Borders to a Range
Building Formulas and Functions
Understanding Excel Formulas
Build a Formula
Understanding Excel Functions
Add a Function to a Formula
Add a Row or Column of Numbers
Build an AutoSum Formula
Add a Range Name to a Formula
Reference Another Worksheet Range in a Formula
Move or Copy a Formula
Manipulating Excel Worksheets
Navigate a Worksheet
Rename a Worksheet
Create a New Worksheet
Move a Worksheet
Copy a Worksheet
Delete a Worksheet
Change the Gridline Color
Toggle Worksheet Gridlines On and Off
Toggle Worksheet Headings On and Off
Dealing with Excel Workbooks
Create a New Blank Workbook
Create a New Workbook from a Template
Save a Workbook
Open a Workbook
Arrange Workbook Windows
Find Text in a Workbook
Replace Text in a Workbook
Formatting Excel Workbooks
Modify the Workbook Colors
Set the Workbook Fonts
Choose Workbook Effects
Apply a Workbook Theme
Analyzing Excel Data
Sort a Range
Filter a Range
Set Data Validation Rules
Convert a Range to a Table
Create a Data Table
Summarize Data with Subtotals
Visualizing Data with Excel Charts
Examining Chart Elements
Understanding Chart Types
Create a Chart
Add Chart Titles
Add Data Labels
Position the Chart Legend
Display Chart Gridlines
Display a Data Table
Change the Chart Layout and Style
Select a Different Chart Type
Formatting Excel Charts
Format Chart Elements
Customize a Chart Element Background
Set a Chart Element’s Outline
Add Effects to a Chart Element
Apply a Style to a Chart Element
Collaborating with Other People
Add a Comment to a Cell
Protect a Worksheet’s Data
Protect a Workbook’s Structure and Windows
Share a Workbook with Other Users
Track Workbook Changes
Accept or Reject Workbook Changes
Send a Workbook as an E-Mail Attachment
Save Excel Data as a Web Page
Make a Workbook Compatible with Earlier Versions of Excel
Collaborate on a Workbook Online
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3 komentar:

mbahmbah mengatakan:
5 Januari 2013 pukul 23.52
kok gak bisa didonlot ya bang?
marco mengatakan:
6 Januari 2013 pukul 01.25
@mbahmbah: bisa, gan. barusan juga dah dites, kedua link diatas masih hidup, gan... !!!
Anonim mengatakan:
23 Oktober 2013 pukul 18.25
File nya tidak terdaftar, jadi tidak bisa didownload. Bisa di benahin gak file ini agar dapat di download?

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