Ada banyak sekali kasus, dimana terjadi kegagalan dalam melakukan aktivasi. Untuk itu, sekedar mengingatkan kepada agan, karena cara melakukan aktivasi kali ini terbilang agak ribet, maka sebelum agan melakukan aktivasi, supaya dibaca baik-baik petunjuk aktivasinya. Serta lakukan aktivasi sesuai dengan petunjuk dokter, eh... salah... Maksudnya sesuai dengan petunjuk yang terlampir, langkah demi langkah. hehehehehe....
Supaya aktivasi agan bisa sukses, maka dibutuhkan 'kesabaran' serta 'ketelitian'...
Nah, itulah kira-kira sedikit tips dari tim [civiliana] kali ini....
System Requirements
For Office Professional 2013
- Required Processor:
1 gigahertz (Ghz) or faster x86- or x64-bit processor with SSE2 instruction set ; - Required Operating System:
Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012 ; - Required Memory:
1 GB RAM (32 bit); 2 GB RAM (64 bit); - Required Hard Disk Space:
3.0 GB available ; - Required Display:
Graphics hardware acceleration requires a DirectX10 graphics card and 1024 x 576 resolution ; - .NET version:
3.5, 4.0, or 4.5 ; - Additional requirements and considerations:
Some functionality may vary, based on the system configuration. Some features may require additional or advanced hardware or server connectivity.; - Note:
System requirements are rounded up to the nearest 0.5 GB, to be conservative. For example, if we measure an application’s required hard disk space to be 1.99 GB, we recommend 2.5 GB of disk space. Our hard disk system requirements are intentionally larger than the actual disk space usage of the software.
A graphics processor helps increase the performance of certain features, such as drawing tables in Excel 2013 or transitions, animations, and video integration in PowerPoint 2013. Use of a graphics processor with Office 2013 requires a Microsoft DirectX 10-compliant graphics processor that has 64 MB of video memory. These processors were widely available in 2007. Most computers that are available today include a graphics processor that meets or exceeds this standard. However, if you or your users do not have a graphics processor, you can still run Office 2013.
Including Software :
Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Excel 2013, Microsoft Power Point 2013, Microsoft Access 2013, Microsoft Publisher 2013, Microsoft Outlook 2013, Microsoft OneNote 2013, Sky Drive Pro 2013 and Microsoft Office 2013 Tools.
Download Link :
Download Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 - Full
=== [ 32-Bit ] ===> Installer Only :
=== [ 32-Bit ] ===> Installer Only :
Password (if need) : civiliana.blogspot.com
=== [ 64-Bit ] ===> Installer Only :
Password (if need) : civiliana.blogspot.com
Download Activation Generator for Office 2013 ===> Act. Gen. Only :
Cara Install :
- Download semua part - ekstrak salah satu part dengan WinRAR (otomatis tergabung).
- Ekstrak file ISO dengan Power ISO.
- Jalankan Setup.exe untuk mulai intall.
- Gunakan Activation Generator yang sudah tersedia untuk aktivasi.
- Sebelum melakukan aktivasi, baca baik-baik petunjuk aktivasi, dan lakukan Aktivasi sesuai dengan petunjuk yang terlampir pada folder KMSmicro (Tutorial.txt).
# Download sesuai tipe Windows anda (32-Bit atau 64-Bit).
# Tested by [civiliana] : Windows 8 Enterprise (64 Bit).
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kok gak bisa ya mas
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