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31 Desember 2012

ebook - AutoCAD® Professional Tips and Techniques

AutoCAD® : Professional Tips and Techniques | Lynn Allen - Scott Onstott | Wiley Publishing, Inc. | 2007 | English | 339 p | pdf | 16 MB | ISBN : 978-0-470-08454-0 | You’ve been working with AutoCAD for quite some time now, and you feel you’ve got the program under control. You can get your job done, on time, with minimal stress, thank you very much! But you can’t help asking yourself if there’s a better way : Could there be a better way to set up the user interface so I can reach my favorite tools more quickly?; How can I eliminate some of the AutoCAD tedium that causes me to focus more on drafting than my design?; What are the top-secret tips and techniques that the AutoCAD pros of the world are using to get their jobs done faster?; If any of this rings true to you, then you’re in the right place, with the right book.
ebook - AutoCAD® Professional Tips and Techniques
Book Title
AutoCAD® : Professional Tips and Techniques
Lynn Allen
Scott Onstott
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
339 p
File Format
File Size
16 MB
You’ve been working with AutoCAD for quite some time now, and you feel you’ve got the program under control. You can get your job done, on time, with minimal stress, thank you very much! But you can’t help asking yourself if there’s a better way :
  • Could there be a better way to set up the user interface so I can reach my favorite tools more quickly?
  • How can I eliminate some of the AutoCAD tedium that causes me to focus more on drafting than my design?
  • What are the top-secret tips and techniques that the AutoCAD pros of the world are using to get their jobs done faster?
If any of this rings true to you, then you’re in the right place, with the right book.
Who Can Benefit from This Book
If you’re new to AutoCAD and still trying to figure out the basics, then put down this book and find a nice AutoCAD primer. You won’t be happy here. To truly benefit from this book, you need a sound understanding of AutoCAD, and you need to have mastered the basics. AutoCAD: Professional Tips and Techniques is intended to take you to the next level—to help you reach AutoCAD productivity heights you never imagined were possible! Anyone using an AutoCAD-based product such as AutoCAD LT, Architectural Desktop, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Electrical, or AutoCAD Map 3D can benefit from reading this book.
Chapter 1
Arranging the AutoCAD User Interface
Tweaking Windows
Finding Help
Using Workspaces
Organizing the Interface
Inputting with the Keyboard and Mouse
Chapter 2
Drawing and Editing
Boosting Productivity
Drawing and Editing Tips
Living with Layers
Chapter 3
Text and Dimensions
Attributes and Fields
Chapter 4
Layouts and Sheets
Laying It Out
Looking through the Viewport
Lost in Space
Nice Clean Sheets
Chapter 5
Dynamic Blocks
Block Basics
Way Off Base
Play with Parameters
Associate Actions
Chapter 6
3D Modeling
Using Coordinate Systems
Creating 3D Objects
Using 3D Editing Tools
3D Grab Bag
Chapter 7
Navigating in Virtual Space
Viewing in Style
Presenting Realistic Imagery
Chapter 8
Sharing Data
Moving Data between Drawings
Making External References
Working with Other Applications
Chapter 9
Plotting and Publishing
Chapter 10
Customizing Tool Palettes
The Menu Legacy
Customizing the User Interface
Customizing Workspaces
CUI for the Enterprise
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12 komentar:

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