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29 Juni 2012

ebook - Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Step by Step

| Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Step by Step | Curtis D. Frye | Microsoft Press | 2011 | English | 480 p | pdf | 26.4 MB | ISBN : 0735626944 | This book has been designed to lead you step by step through all the tasks you’re most likely to want to perform in Microsoft Excel 2010. If you start at the beginning and work your way through all the exercises, you’ll gain enough proficiency to be able to create and work with all the common types of Excel workbooks. However, each topic is self contained. If you’ve worked with a previous version of Excel, or if you completed all the exercises and later need help remembering how to perform a procedure, the following features of this book will help you locate specific information: Detailed table of contents, Search the listing of the topics and sidebars within each chapter; Chapter thumb, tabs Easily locate the beginning of the chapter you want; Topic-specific running heads, Within a chapter, quickly locate the topic you want by looking at the running heads at the top of odd-numbered pages; Glossary, Look up the meaning of a word or the definition of a concept; Detailed index, Look up specific tasks and features in the index, which has been carefully crafted with the reader in mind. You can save time when reading this book by understanding how the Step by Step series shows exercise instructions, keys to press, buttons to click, and other information. |
ebook - Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Step by Step
Curtis D. Frye
Microsoft Press
480 p
File Format
File Size
26.4 MB
Introducing Microsoft Excel 2010
For those of you who are upgrading to Microsoft Excel 2010 from an earlier version of the program, this introduction summarizes the new features in Excel 2010. One of the first things you’ll notice about Excel 2010 is that the program incorporates the ribbon, which was introduced in Excel 2007. If you used Excel 2003 or an earlier version of Excel, you’ll need to spend only a little bit of time working with the new user interface to bring yourself back up to your usual proficiency.
Features and Conventions of This Book
This book has been designed to lead you step by step through all the tasks you’re most likely to want to perform in Microsoft Excel 2010. If you start at the beginning and work your way through all the exercises, you’ll gain enough proficiency to be able to create and work with all the common types of Excel workbooks. However, each topic is self contained. If you’ve worked with a previous version of Excel, or if you completed all the exercises and later need help remembering how to perform a procedure, the following features of this book will help you locate specific information:
  • Detailed table of contents Search the listing of the topics and sidebars within each chapter.
  • Chapter thumb tabs Easily locate the beginning of the chapter you want.
  • Topic-specific running heads Within a chapter, quickly locate the topic you want by looking at the running heads at the top of odd-numbered pages.
  • Glossary Look up the meaning of a word or the definition of a concept.
  • Detailed index Look up specific tasks and features in the index, which has been carefully crafted with the reader in mind.
You can save time when reading this book by understanding how the Step by Step series shows exercise instructions, keys to press, buttons to click, and other information.
Using the Practice Files
Before you can complete the exercises in this book, you need to copy the book’s practice files to your computer. These practice files, and other information, can be downloaded from the book’s detail page, located at:
Display the detail page in your Web browser and follow the instructions for downloading the files.
Getting Help
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book. If you do run into problems, please contact the sources listed in the following topics.
Getting Help with This Book
If your question or issue concerns the content of this book or its practice files, please first consult the book’s errata page, which can be accessed at:
Getting Help with Excel 2010
If your question is about Microsoft Excel 2010, and not about the content of this book, your first recourse is the Excel Help system. This system is a combination of tools and files stored on your computer when you installed Excel and, if your computer is connected to the Internet, information available from You can find general or specific Help information in the following ways:
  • To find out about an item on the screen, you can display a ScreenTip. For example, to display a ScreenTip for a button, point to the button without clicking it. The ScreenTip gives the button’s name, the associated keyboard shortcut if there is one, and unless you specify otherwise, a description of what the button does when you click it.
  • In the Excel program window, you can click the Microsoft Excel Help button (a question mark in a blue circle) at the right end of the ribbon to display the Excel Help window.
  • After opening a dialog box, you can click the Help button (also a question mark) at the right end of the dialog box title bar to display the Excel Help window. Sometimes, topics related to the functions of that dialog box are already identified in the window.
Contents at a Glance
Table of Contents
Setting Up a Workbook
Creating Workbooks
Modifying Workbooks
Modifying Worksheets
Customizing the Excel 2010 Program Window
Working with Data and Excel Tables
Entering and Revising Data
Moving Data Within a Workbook
Finding and Replacing Data
Correcting and Expanding Upon Worksheet Data
Defining Excel Tables
Performing Calculations on Data
Naming Groups of Data
Creating Formulas to Calculate Values
Summarizing Data That Meets Specific Conditions
Finding and Correcting Errors in Calculations
Changing Workbook Appearance
Formatting Cells
Defining Styles
Applying Workbook Themes and Excel Table Styles
Making Numbers Easier to Read
Changing the Appearance of Data Based on Its Value
Adding Images to Worksheets
Focusing on Specific Data by Using Filters
Limiting Data That Appears on Your Screen
Manipulating Worksheet Data
Defining Valid Sets of Values for Ranges of Cells
Reordering and Summarizing Data
Sorting Worksheet Data
Organizing Data into Levels
Looking Up Information in a Worksheet
Combining Data from Multiple Sources
Using Workbooks as Templates for Other Workbooks
Linking to Data in Other Worksheets and Workbooks
Consolidating Multiple Sets of Data into a Single Workbook
Grouping Multiple Sets of Data
Analyzing Alternative Data Sets
Defining an Alternative Data Set
Defining Multiple Alternative Data Sets
Varying Your Data to Get a Desired Result by Using Goal Seek
Finding Optimal Solutions by Using Solver
Analyzing Data by Using Descriptive Statistics
Creating Dynamic Worksheets by Using PivotTables
Analyzing Data Dynamically by Using PivotTables
Filtering, Showing, and Hiding PivotTable Data
Editing PivotTables
Formatting PivotTables
Creating PivotTables from External Data
Creating Charts and Graphics
Creating Charts
Customizing the Appearance of Charts
Finding Trends in Your Data
Summarizing Your Data by Using Sparklines
Creating Dynamic Charts by Using PivotCharts
Creating Diagrams by Using SmartArt
Creating Shapes and Mathematical Equations
Adding Headers and Footers to Printed Pages
Preparing Worksheets for Printing
Printing Worksheets
Printing Parts of Worksheets
Printing Charts
Automating Repetitive Tasks by Using Macros
Enabling and Examining Macros
Creating and Modifying Macros
Running Macros When a Button Is Clicked
Running Macros When a Workbook Is Opened
Working with Other Microsoft Office Programs
Including Office Documents in Workbooks
Storing Workbooks as Parts of Other Office Documents
Creating Hyperlinks
Pasting Charts into Other Documents
Collaborating with Colleagues
Sharing Workbooks
Managing Comments
Tracking and Managing Colleagues’ Changes
Protecting Workbooks and Worksheets
Authenticating Workbooks
Saving Workbooks for the Web

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan:
13 Juli 2012 pukul 02.11
Website anda sangat bermutu dan konten materi yang ada di dalamnya sangat Profesional.

Terimakasih atas semua referensi yang telah anda sediakan, saya sangat menghargai pekerjaan anda tersebut.

Teknisi Tua.
marco mengatakan:
13 Juli 2012 pukul 17.27
@Anonim (Teknisi Tua) : Terima kasih sudah berkunjung, juga terima kasih atas supportnya.
Kami sangat bahagia, apabila apa yg kami sajikan ini bisa bermanfaat. Semoga, [civiliana] bisa tetap eksis dan bisa terus berbagi manfaat untuk orang lain.

salam balik,
marco mengatakan:
3 November 2012 pukul 17.06
''''' R E P A I R E D '''''

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