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03 Juni 2012

ebook - Microsoft Excel® 2010 Formulas

Microsoft Excel® 2010 Formulas | John Walkenbach | Wiley Publishing, Inc. | 2010 | English | 818 p | pdf | 6.94 MB | ISBN: 978-0-470-47536-2 | Excel is the spreadsheet market leader, by a long shot. This is the case not only because of Microsoft’s enormous marketing clout, but because it is truly the best spreadsheet available. One area in which Excel’s superiority is most apparent is formulas. Excel has some special tricks up its sleeve in the formulas department. As you’ll see, Excel lets you do things with formulas that are impossible with other spreadsheets. It’s a safe bet that only about 10 percent of Excel users really understand how to get the most out of worksheet formulas. In this book, I attempt to nudge you into that elite group. Are you up to it?
Microsoft Excel® 2010 Formulas
Book Title
Microsoft Excel® 2010 Formulas
John Walkenbach
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
818 p
File Format
File Size
6.94 MB
Excel is the spreadsheet market leader, by a long shot. This is the case not only because of Microsoft’s enormous marketing clout, but because it is truly the best spreadsheet available. One area in which Excel’s superiority is most apparent is formulas. Excel has some special tricks up its sleeve in the formulas department. As you’ll see, Excel lets you do things with formulas that are impossible with other spreadsheets.
It’s a safe bet that only about 10 percent of Excel users really understand how to get the most out of worksheet formulas. In this book, I attempt to nudge you into that elite group. Are you up to it?
What You Need to Know
This is not a book for beginning Excel users. If you have absolutely no experience with Excel, this is probably not the best book for you — unless you’re one of a rare breed who can learn a new software product almost instantaneously.
To get the most out of this book, you should have some background using Excel. Specifically, I assume that you know how to
  • Create workbooks, insert sheets, save files, and complete other basic tasks
  • Navigate through a workbook
  • Use the Excel 2010 Ribbon and dialog boxes
  • Use basic Windows features, such as file management and copy and paste techniques
Contents at a Glance
Basic Information
Chapter 1
Excel in a Nutshell
Chapter 2
Basic Facts about Formulas
Chapter 3
Working with Names
Using Functions in Your Formulas
Chapter 4
Introducing Worksheet Functions
Chapter 5
Manipulating Text
Chapter 6
Working with Dates and Times
Chapter 7
Counting and Summing Techniques
Chapter 8
Using Lookup Functions
Chapter 9
Tables and Worksheet Databases
Chapter 10
Miscellaneous Calculations
Financial Formulas
Chapter 11
Borrowing and Investing Formulas
Chapter 12
Discounting and Depreciation Formulas
Chapter 13
Financial Schedules
Array Formulas
Chapter 14
Introducing Arrays
Chapter 15
Performing Magic with Array Formulas
Miscellaneous Formula Techniques
Chapter 16
Intentional Circular References
Chapter 17
Charting Techniques
Chapter 18
Pivot Tables
Chapter 19
Conditional Formatting and Data Validation
Chapter 20
Creating Megaformulas
Chapter 21
Tools and Methods for Debugging Formulas
Developing Custom Worksheet Functions
Chapter 22
Introducing VBA
Chapter 23
Function Procedure Basics
Chapter 24
VBA Programming Concepts
Chapter 25
VBA Custom Function Examples
Appendix A
Excel Function Reference
Appendix B
Using Custom Number Formats
Appendix C
Additional Excel Resources
Appendix D
What’s on the CD-ROM?

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