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26 Juni 2012

ebook - Excel Formulas And Functions For Dummies

| Excel® Formulas and Functions For Dummies®, 2nd Edition | Ken Bluttman and Peter Aitken | Wiley Publishing, Inc. | 2010 | English | 389 p | pdf | 5.93 MB | ISBN : 978-0-470-56816-3 | This book is about the number-crunching side of Excel. Formulas are the keystone to analyzing data — that is, digging out nuggets of important information. What is the average sale? How many times did we do better than average? How many days are left on the project? How much progress have we made? That sort of thing. Formulas calculate answers, straight and to the point. But that’s not all. Excel has dozens of built-in functions that calculate everything from a simple average to a useful analysis of your investments to complex inferential statistics. But you don’t have to know it all or use it all; just use the parts that are relevant to your work. |
ebook - Excel Formulas And Functions For Dummies
Book Title
Excel® Formulas and Functions For Dummies®,
2nd Edition
Ken Bluttman and Peter Aitken
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
389 p
File Format
File Size
5.93 MB
Free download ebook - Excel Formulas And Functions For Dummies. Spreadsheets are such a mainstay in today’s world; the term is almost a household word. Certainly in our homes it is. And we don’t just mean because we write books on Excel. Spouses use Excel to track household expenditures and insurance claims. A neighbor analyzes his eBay transactions in Excel. Our local merchant keeps tabs on his store’s inventory on a worksheet.
In the workplace, Excel is one of the most commonly used analysis and reporting tools. Financial statements, sales reports, inventory, project scheduling, customer activity — so much of this stuff is kept in Excel. The program’s ability to manipulate and give feedback about the data makes it attractive.
This book is about the number-crunching side of Excel. Formulas are the keystone to analyzing data — that is, digging out nuggets of important information. What is the average sale? How many times did we do better than average? How many days are left on the project? How much progress have we made? That sort of thing.
Formulas calculate answers, straight and to the point. But that’s not all. Excel has dozens of built-in functions that calculate everything from a simple average to a useful analysis of your investments to complex inferential statistics. But you don’t have to know it all or use it all; just use the parts that are relevant to your work.
This book discusses more than 150 of these functions. But rather than just show their syntax and list them alphabetically, we have assembled them by category and provided real examples of how to use them alone, and in formulas, along with step-by-step instructions and illustrations of the results.
Contents at a Glance
Table of Contents
Part I :  Putting the Fun in Functions
Chapter 1
Tapping into Formula and Function Fundamentals
Chapter 2
Saving Time with Function Tools
Chapter 3
Saying “Array!” for Formulas and Functions
Chapter 4
Fixing Formula Boo-Boos
Part II :  Doing the Math
Chapter 5
Calculating Loan Payments and Interest Rates
Chapter 6
Appreciating What You’ll Get, Depreciating What You’ve Got
Chapter 7
Using Basic Math Functions
Chapter 8
Advancing Your Math
Part III :  Solving with Statistics
Chapter 9
Throwing Statistics a Curve
Chapter 10
Using Signifi cance Tests
Chapter 11
Rolling the Dice on Predictions and Probability
Part IV :  Working with Data
Chapter 12
Dressing Up for Date Functions
Chapter 13
Keeping Well-Timed Functions
Chapter 14
Using Lookup, Logical, and Reference Functions
Chapter 15
Digging Up the Facts
Chapter 16
Writing Home about Text Functions
Chapter 17
Playing Records with Database Functions
Part V :  The Part of Tens
Chapter 18
Ten Tips for Working with Formulas
Chapter 19
Ten Functions You Really Should Know
Chapter 20
Some Really Cool Functions

2 komentar:

Dheny bastian mengatakan:
19 Januari 2014 pukul 23.58
bagaimana cara trial error /goalseek pada dimensi gelagar box
marco mengatakan:
20 Maret 2022 pukul 00.45
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