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01 Juni 2012

ebook - Microsoft Project 2010: The Missing Manual

Microsoft Project 2010: The Missing Manual | Bonnie Biafore | O’Reilly Media, Inc. | 2010 | English | 768 p | pdf | 9.55 MB | ISBN: 9781449381950 | People have been managing projects for centuries. The construction of the mountaintop city of Machu Picchu was a project—although no one’s really sure whether the ancient Inca had a word for “project manager.” In fact, you may not have realized you were a project manager when you were assigned your first project to manage. Sure, you’re organized and you can make sure people get things done, but successfully managing a project requires specific skills and know-how. Whether you’re building a shining city on a hill or aiming for something more mundane, Microsoft Project helps you document project tasks, build a schedule, assign resources, track progress, and make changes until your project is complete. Perhaps you’re staring at the screen, wondering about the meaning of the Gantt Chart and Resource Usage in the list of Project views. Or maybe you already have dozens of Project schedules under your belt. Either way, some Project features can be mystifying. You know what you want to do, but you can’t find the magic combination that makes Project do it.
ebook - Microsoft Project 2010 The Missing Manual
Book Title
Microsoft Project 2010: The Missing Manual
Bonnie Biafore
O’Reilly Media, Inc.
768 p
File Format
File Size
9.55 MB
People have been managing projects for centuries. The construction of the mountaintop city of Machu Picchu was a project—although no one’s really sure whether the ancient Inca had a word for “project manager.” In fact, you may not have realized you were a project manager when you were assigned your first project to manage. Sure, you’re organized and you can make sure people get things done, but successfully managing a project requires specific skills and know-how. Whether you’re building a shining city on a hill or aiming for something more mundane, Microsoft Project helps you document project tasks, build a schedule, assign resources, track progress, and make changes until your project is complete.
Perhaps you’re staring at the screen, wondering about the meaning of the Gantt Chart and Resource Usage in the list of Project views. Or maybe you already have dozens of Project schedules under your belt. Either way, some Project features can be mystifying. You know what you want to do, but you can’t find the magic combination that makes Project do it.
This book addresses the double whammy of learning your way around project management and Microsoft Project at the same time. It provides an introduction to managing projects and shows you how to use Project to do so. For more experienced project managers, this book can help you take your Project prowess to a new level with tips, timesaving tricks, and mastery of features that never quite behaved the way you wanted.
What’s New in Project 2010
Since its introduction, Project Server often gets most of Microsoft’s attention and cool new features. This time around, Project 2010 Standard and Professional have a bunch of new and improved features that could quickly grow on you. The big change, of course, is that Project now uses the Microsoft fluent interface (a.k.a. the ribbon). It takes some getting used to, but many commands that took a artload of clicks in the past, like turning summary tasks on and off, are now at your mousing fingertip. But wait, there’s more. For example, manually scheduled tasks let you control when tasks occur, but you can use them to plan from the top down or fill in only the information you have available, as you’ll learn shortly. Here’s an overview of the new Project 2010 features and where to find them in this book :
  • The ribbon user interface.
  • Working with summary and subtasks.
  • Easier formatting.
  • Timesaving features.
  • Wrapping long names.
  • Fast and easy column changes.
  • Faster filtering, grouping, and sorting.
  • Saving views and tables.
  • User-controlled scheduling.
  • Filling in placeholder information.
  • Top-down planning.
  • Viewing the project timeline.
  • Work with resource assignments with Team Planner.
  • Leveling overallocations.
  • Synching Project tasks with a SharePoint task list.
  • View scheduling issues and fix them.
  • Playing what-if games.
Contents at a Glance
Table of Contents
The Missing Credits
Part One: Project Management: The Missing Manual
Chapter 1: Projects: In the Beginning
Chapter 2: Planning a Project
Chapter 3: Taking Microsoft Project for a Test Drive
Chapter 4: Breaking Work into Task-Sized Chunks
Chapter 5: Estimating Task Work and Duration
Chapter 6: Setting Up a Project Schedule
Chapter 7: Making a Schedule That’s Easy to Maintain
Part Two: Project Planning: More Than Creating a Schedule
Chapter 8: Building a Team for Your Project
Chapter 9: Connecting Resources to Tasks
Chapter 10: Does the Schedule Work?
Chapter 11: Setting Up a Project Budget
Chapter 12: Refining a Project Schedule
Chapter 13: Saving the Project Plan
Part Three: Projects in Action
Chapter 14: Tracking Progress
Chapter 15: Evaluating Project Performance
Chapter 16: Managing Change
Chapter 17: Reporting on Projects
Chapter 18: Closing a Project
Part Four: Project Power Tools
Chapter 19: Working on Multiple Projects
Chapter 20: Exchanging Data Between Programs
Chapter 21: Linking and Embedding
Chapter 22: Project on the Internet
Part Five: Customizing Project
Chapter 23: Viewing What You Want
Chapter 24: Defining Your Own Fields
Chapter 25: Customizing the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar
Chapter 26: Reusable Project: Templates
Chapter 27: Saving Time with Macros
Part Six: Appendixes
Appendix A: Installing Project
Appendix B: Getting Help for Project
Appendix C: Keyboard Shortcuts

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