Nitro PDF Professional adalah salah satu software yang sangat powerfull, untuk mengelola file dokumen kerja anda. Nitro PDF profesional, berguna untuk membuat, mengubah, mengedit, menggabungkan, menganotasi, mengisi formulir, dan menyimpan file PDF dengan standar industri 100%. Anda dapat mengkonversi file Dokumen ke PDF atau sebaliknya.
Membuat, melihat & mengedit semua dokumen PDF Anda dan mendapatkan kendali penuh atas PDF Anda dengan hanya satu aplikasi. Membuat PDF dari Microsoft Office dengan satu klik dan mudah mengkonversi lebih dari 200 jenis file ke PDF. Menyalin, mengedit, dan memasukkan teks, grafis dan seluruh halaman. Menambahkan halaman, penomoran halaman, tanggal dan waktu-perangko. Menambahkan navigasi bantu seperti bookmark dan hyperlink. Untuk pengguna bisnis, Nitro memungkinkan Anda: markup dan review dokumen menggunakan sticky notes, highlighting, and comments. Mengkonfigurasi pengaturan keamanan, dan mengontrol hak pengguna lain untuk mencetak, mengedit, dan/atau menyalin pekerjaan Anda.
Features :
- Creating PDF-documents from more than 300 file types.
- onvert and merge multiple files into a PDF-document
- Batch mode for converting files to PDF-format
- Scan to PDF-format
- Creating a PDF from Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, by pressing a single button
- Automatic generation of" smart "PDF-documents with bookmarks, links, meta-data and the protection of Microsoft Office
- Copy text with formatting
- Export PDF for later in the program separate Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and other office programs
- A full export text and images from PDF-document
- Batch mode for converting several documents
- Inserting and editing text, including fonts, colors, size, etc.
- Edit images - delete, add, resize, rotate, crop, replacement and removal
- Editing images - brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.
- Editing a PDF-document pages - insert, delete, rotate, crop, removal and replacement of elements
- Adding headers and footers, watermarks, and text for all pages of the document
- Add and edit bookmarks and hyperlinks
- Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers
- Optimization, compression and recovery of PDF-documents
- Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings
- Selecting text content using a selection tool, underscores, and crossing
- Manually adding images, using the" Pencil "
- Adding shapes to your images, such as lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds
- Adding marks on document pages
- The possibility of application documents
- Adding text feedback
- Sort and manage comments
- Sending a document to print to the printer
- Pleasant and stylish user interface in the style of Microsoft Office 2007
System Requirements :
- Desktop : Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7 (x64 editions supported)
- Processor : 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor
- RAM : 512 MB system memory (1 GB recommended)
- Display : 1024x768 screen resolution
- Available Space : Up to 520 MB of available hard drive space
- Microsoft Office 2003 or newer (required for Microsoft Office integrated features)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (or above)
Download Link :
* Tested by : Windows 7 Enterprise x64 SP1
Official Site : http://www.nitropdf.com
Official Site : http://www.nitropdf.com
8 komentar:
silahkan disedot... :D
Terima Kasih atas infonya...
naya ni,
Bisa convert PDF ke format lain nggak?
Terus kelebihannya dari Adobe Acrobat Apa?
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