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06 Juni 2012

ebook - Microsoft Project 2010 Project Management: Real World Skills for Certification and Beyond

Microsoft Project 2010 Project Management : Real World Skills for Certification and Beyond | Robert Happy, PMP, MCT | SYBEX, Wiley Publishing, Inc. | 2010 | English | 455 p | pdf | 36.96 MB | ISBN: 978-0-470-56110-2 | This is a practical book for all users of Microsoft Project who need to plan, track, and communicate effectively for any type of project. Whether you’re a more casual project manager or a professional project manager, this book delivers a sensible approach to using Project 2010 based on best practices around project management. It embodies proven effective learning techniques gleaned from years of consulting and teaching experience. Whether you need to build simple plans or more complex plans with Project, this book shows you how to use powerful tools and techniques to better manage your projects. I’ve been training and consulting with Microsoft Project since the release of earlier versions nearly 20 years ago and as such have perfected the optimal approach to transfer knowledge efficiently so you can get the most out of the software.
ebook - Microsoft Project 2010 Project Management: Real World Skills for Certification and Beyond
Book Title
Microsoft Project 2010 Project Management
Real World Skills for Certification and Beyond
Robert Happy, PMP, MCT
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
455 p
File Format
File Size
36.96 MB
This is a practical book for all users of Microsoft Project who need to plan, track, and communicate effectively for any type of project. Whether you’re a more casual project manager or a professional project manager, this book delivers a sensible approach to using Project 2010 based on best practices around project management. It embodies proven effective learning techniques gleaned from years of consulting and teaching experience.
Whether you need to build simple plans or more complex plans with Project, this book shows you how to use powerful tools and techniques to better manage your projects. I’ve been training and consulting with Microsoft Project since the release of earlier versions nearly 20 years ago and as such have perfected the optimal approach to transfer knowledge efficiently so you can get the most out of the software.
Working with Project isn’t like using other Microsoft Office products—such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint—in that it requires you to have some core knowledge and understanding of project management in conjunction with the application. This book ties the primary project-management concepts to the appropriate functions in Microsoft Project, resulting in your increased productivity and effectiveness. This is neither a beginner, an intermediate, nor an advanced course but rather a comprehensive program with the core building blocks to support your projects from planning, monitoring, and controlling through closing. So, no matter what level of expertise you have with Microsoft Project, this book will help you optimize your use of the tool.
Although this book is a practical, hands-on guide, it’s also designed to prepare you for the Microsoft Certifications 77-178 Exam—Microsoft Project 2010, Managing Projects. Candidates for this exam should have experience effectively scheduling, communicating, and tracking projects using the desktop version of Project 2010 Standard and Professional (excluding Project Server features). The exam will be a live-app or performance-based exam designed to measure your skill based on outcome and not necessarily on how you perform the tasks. The attached CD.
Contents at a Glance
Table of Contents
Part I Getting Started the Right Way
Chapter 1 Project 2010 as an Enabling Tool for Project Managers
Chapter 2 Mapping the Project-Management Process Groups to Microsoft Project 2010
Chapter 3 Overview of Enterprise Project Management
Chapter 4 Getting Started and Setting Up the Microsoft Project Environment
Part II Planning Essentials
Chapter 5 Creating and Entering the Work Breakdown Structure and Task Arrangement
Chapter 6 Estimating and Entering Duration or Work
Chapter 7 Setting Dependencies and the Critical Path
Chapter 5: Creating Chapter 8 Assigning Resources and Costs
Chapter 9 Understanding the Calculation Engine for Automatic Scheduling
Part III Communicating and Reporting Essentials
Chapter 10 Understanding Views
Chapter 11 Using Tables and Custom Fields
Chapter 12 Using Filters, Groups, and Sorts
Chapter 13 Creating Custom Views, Formatting, and Reporting
Chapter 14 Creating Master Schedules with Inserted Projects
Part IV Tracking and Analyzing Essentials
Chapter 15 Setting and Maintaining Baselines
Chapter 16 Updating and Tracking Status
Chapter 17 Variance Analysis and Taking Corrective Action
Appendix A Microsoft’s Certification Program
Appendix B About the Companion CD

3 komentar:

marco mengatakan:
4 November 2012 pukul 05.45
''''' R E P A I R E D '''''
Unknown mengatakan:
23 Juni 2018 pukul 14.51
marco mengatakan:
19 Maret 2022 pukul 22.45
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